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Want to know more about Lewis Road Creamery? Here are some FAQ's that might be able to answer your question.

Is Lewis Road Creamery a New Zealand company?

We’ve always found transparency the best way of tackling this question. Yes, Lewis Road Creamery is a New Zealand company. It is run by four New Zealand directors – Prem Maan, Graham Mourie, Phillip Wight and Taari Nicholas, who operate it through Southern Pastures Management Limited. 

Who owns Lewis Road Creamery?

Southern Pastures LP is an ethical investment fund, that has investors from pension funds in Sweden and Germany, along with New Zealand.  You will be familiar with our own KiwiSaver providers in New Zealand investing money on behalf of customers, both here and in foreign markets, therefore spreading the risk. The same model is applied here, just the other way around. To find out more, click here.

Where can I find Lewis Road Creamery products?

You can find our products at most major supermarkets in New Zealand! Check out our locations page to find a supermarket near you. Alternatively, you can send us a message and we can take a look for you. Click here to get in touch.

Do you export your products?

We are very privileged to export our New Zealand 10 Star Standard butter over to the USA. To find out more, visit our USA website.

How do I get in touch with Lewis Road Creamery?

If you have a question or just some feedback, we want to hear it! Head over to our Get In Touch page to send us a message. We promise to be prompt with our reply!

I am interested in stocking your Lewis Road Creamery products in my store, how do I go about that?

That’s great to hear. We would love to have a chat with you! Feel free to flick us an email at enquiries@lewisroadcreamery.co.nz.

I am unhappy with a product, what should I do?

We’re sorry to hear that! We hold our products to the highest standard so we want to know if you have had an issue and make sure that you receive the true Lewis Road Creamery experience next time. To let us know about a product that is not meeting expectations please visit our Get In Touch page where you can send us a message. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 0800 MOO COW.

How can I find out about job opportunities at Lewis Road Creamery?

Think Lewis Road Creamery might be the place for you? We would love to hear from you! Send us an email at hello@lewisroadcreamery.co.nz.

How can I become a Roadie?

We’re glad you asked! Becoming a Roadie is simple. Visit our Become a Roadie page, fill in the form and your good to go! Once you're signed up with us you will be one of the first to receive news on products, taste new products and give us feedback!